Routine Check-ups
Keeping children’s teeth healthy is an extremely important part of our parenting role and can often be challenging to get right.
It is recommended that children should go to the dentist with their parents as soon as possible. Initially, even if it is just for the visit and their teeth aren’t looked at it. This will still allow them get used to the noises, smells and surroundings and hopefully a sticker will be part of the experience too! The earlier these visits start, the more relaxed the children will be.
Generally we recommend routine check ups from 12 months to begin building confidence and healthy relationships with dental check ups.
Intervals between check ups will be made according to risk factors contributing to the chances of decay; your child’s oral hygiene and diet and whether they are getting new decay at each visit. At each visit we will discuss these risks, how to reduce them and help improve your child’s oral health.
Any treatment required will be planned out by your dentist and explained fully. We use techniques such as positive reinforcement, tell-show-do and acclimatisation to ensure that children feel confident before treatment, understanding what the treatment they are having involves to make it a positive experience for them too!